Elevate Your Business to New Heights

Streamline your operations and scale effortlessly with our cloud solution. Experience unparalleled flexibility and security for your data storage and computing needs.

Our Service

Strategy & Planning

Cloud adoption plan
Comparison of different cloud offerings

Assessment & Design

Assessment & Design
Architecture and Landscaping
Cloud Sizing / Specification
Value Proposition

Migration Execution

Migration assessment
Fixing Migration Methodology
Executing migration

Managed Service

For Infrastructure
For Security

Why Berger Tech?

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, enterprises are turning to SAP Cloud and Microsoft Cloud solutions to drive large-scale transformations securely. Berger Tech Services specializes in seamless deployments of SAP and Microsoft Cloud solutions, supported by a seasoned team of experts well-versed in cloud security. With our in-house SAP and Microsoft Cloud teams managing end-to-end lifecycles and rollouts, boasting extensive experience across multiple transformation projects, your business can confidently embrace agility and resilience in the cloud.

Our Service Details

Cloud Adoption Plan:

cloud adoption plan is a crucial component of transitioning from traditional IT approaches to modern, agile cloud-based solutions. It helps organizations align their technical efforts with business strategy. Here are some key steps to create an effective cloud adoption plan:

  • Digital Estate Inventory: Begin by assessing and rationalizing your existing digital assets based on your organization’s motivations and desired business outcomes.
  • Initial Organizational Alignment: Establish a plan for aligning your organization with the cloud adoption strategy.
  • Skills Readiness Plan: Identify and address any skills gaps within your organization.
  • Cloud Adoption Plan: Develop a detailed plan that encompasses changes related to skills, the digital estate, and overall organizational transformation. This plan should align with the metrics and motivations defined in your cloud adoption strategy.

You can use the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure to guide your efforts and track progress1. Remember that this plan is iterative and adaptable as you navigate your cloud journey.

Comparison of Different Cloud Offerings:

When evaluating cloud offerings, consider factors such as scalability, performance, security, pricing models, and ecosystem integrations. Here are some popular cloud providers and their offerings:

  • Microsoft Azure: Known for its comprehensive services, including virtual machines, databases, AI, and analytics.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Offers a wide range of services, global reach, and strong developer community.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Known for its data analytics, machine learning, and Kubernetes support.
  • IBM Cloud: Offers hybrid and multi-cloud solutions.
  • Oracle Cloud: Specializes in enterprise applications and databases.

Assess your organization’s specific needs and choose the provider that aligns best with your goals.

Recommendations in Cloud:

To make informed decisions, consider the following recommendations:

    • Assess Your Strategy: Use the Cloud Adoption Strategy Evaluator to assess your overall cloud adoption strategy. This tool provides recommendations based on cloud economics principles, helping you create a robust business case for cloud adoption2.
    • Optimize Your Plan: If you already have a cloud adoption plan, continuously optimize it based on evolving requirements and industry trends.
    • Business Case: Build a compelling business case for cloud adoption by highlighting cost savings, agility, scalability, and innovation opportunities.
    • Leverage Available Tools: Explore tools, templates, and examples provided by cloud providers to streamline your adoption journey.

Assessment & Design:

  • Site Assessment, Design, and Installation for Urban Trees: This hands-on guidebook provides practical, applied information on design considerations, site planning, plant selection, installation, and maintenance of trees in challenging urban environments. It covers aspects like soil modification, drainage principles, and spatial configuration of planting areas. The goal is the successful establishment and growth of trees in cities.
  • Landscape and Visual Assessment: Landscape architects use this framework to assess the visual impact of projects. It ensures consistency in approach and terminology, especially when evaluating how a design integrates with its surroundings.
  • Quality Assessment of Landscape Architecture Projects: Researchers aim to identify universal criteria and indicators for assessing the quality and sustainable performance of landscape architecture projects. This helps enhance both the social and ecological aspects of designed spaces.

Architecture and Landscaping

  • Built Environment and Landscape Design for Climate Resilience: Landscape design and the built environment play crucial roles in achieving a low-carbon transition. They not only enhance social and landscape identity but also contribute to regional economic growth. These tools are essential for creating climate-resilient cities and regions.

Cloud Sizing / Specification:

    • Cloud Sizing: When planning cloud adoption, consider sizing your resources appropriately. Understand your workload requirements, scalability needs, and performance expectations. Proper cloud sizing ensures cost-effectiveness and optimal resource utilization.
    • Cloud Specification: Specify the cloud services and configurations needed for your applications. Consider factors like computing instances, storage types, networking, and security. Tailor your cloud setup to match your workload demands.

Value Proposition in the Cloud:

    • Business Case for Cloud Adoption: Build a compelling value proposition for moving to the cloud. Highlight benefits such as cost savings, agility, scalability, improved security, and access to advanced services. Align the cloud adoption strategy with your organization’s goals.
    • Economic and Strategic Value: Evaluate how cloud adoption impacts your business. Consider long-term cost projections, competitive advantages, and innovation potential. The value proposition extends beyond technical aspects to strategic alignment with your vision.

Migration Assessment:

    • Before diving into execution, conduct a thorough migration assessment. This involves understanding your existing workloads, their dependencies, and their suitability for migration. Key steps include:
      • Assess Workloads: Evaluate your applications in terms of scalability, performance, and cost. Identify any cloud-specific features that need integration.
      • Set Goals: Define clear goals and priorities for your migration.
      • Select Migration Options: Choose the appropriate migration strategy (e.g., lift-and-shift, re-platforming, or re-architecting) based on your requirements1.

Fixing Migration Methodology:

    • A robust migration methodology is essential for successful execution. Consider the following steps:
      • Estimate Effort: Understand the effort required for each application migration.
      • Requirements Definition: Clearly define requirements for the migration process.
      • Roadmap Creation: Develop a migration roadmap that outlines the sequence of migrations.
      • Pilot Validation: Build a pilot environment to validate technology choices and processes.

Executing Migration in the Cloud:

    • Once you’ve planned and prepared, it’s time to execute. Here’s how:
      • Wave-Based Approach: Divide your migration project into waves. Each wave includes a group of applications with common characteristics or interdependencies.
      • Move Groups: Within each wave, organize workloads into move groups. These are infrastructure resources and workloads that migrate together.
      • Sprints: Migrate move groups to the cloud in sprints. During each sprint:
        • Prepare Tools: Integrate the necessary migration tools.
        • Develop Sprint Plan: Create a detailed plan for the migration.
        • Execute Plan: Follow the step-by-step migration process.
        • Validate: Test and validate functional and non-functional requirements.
        • Mitigate Risks: Address any risks that arise during the sprint.
        • Rollback Plan: Be prepared with rollback steps if needed.
        • Team Collaboration: Ensure effective team composition and communication.

Managed Service for SAP:

    • RISE with SAP: This comprehensive offering bundles several SAP services, including SAP S/4HANA Cloud Suite, SAP Business Technology Platform, SAP Business Network Starter Pack, and SAP Business Process Intelligence. It caters to various aspects of your SAP landscape.
    • SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Private Edition (Managed Private Environment): In this model, SAP maintains a privately managed environment where each customer has a dedicated account or subscription. The applications and databases are single-tenanted, ensuring isolation. SAP handles operations, management, and security, including backup, patching, and key management of data at rest

Managed Service for Infrastructure:

    • T-Systems: T-Systems assists in managing complex SAP landscapes and critical applications on a standardized, highly secure private cloud. Their packages (Full Time, High Availability, Disaster Recovery) and usage-dependent pricing models can reduce SAP operating costs by up to 30%.

Managed Service for Cloud Security:

    • Shared Security Responsibility Model: When using SAP cloud services, the division of security responsibilities between SAP as the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and the customer is crucial. Here’s an overview:
      • SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Private Edition: SAP manages the environment, including Hyperscale root accounts, subscriptions, and network isolation. They handle operations, maintenance, and technical support.
      • SAP Business Technology Platform (PaaS): Customers are responsible for securing their applications built on this platform.
      • SAP Cloud Services (SaaS): Security responsibilities are shared, with SAP handling infrastructure security, while customers secure their applications and data

Security in the Cloud:

    • SAP NS2 Secure Cloud Services: SAP NS2 offers secure adoption of SAP cloud innovation for organizations across industries, including regulated sectors like utilities, financial services, healthcare, and government agencies.
    • SAP NS2 Secure SAP Cloud: SAP NS2 secures and delivers SAP Cloud products, empowering quick deployment of solutions while ensuring security.